Monday, November 10, 2008

Mathapelo in the Maldives


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey David, hoffae dir gahts guaet uf dae Maladivae. Da in Johannesburg isch's momentan noed so eifach z ueberlaebae, speziell mit dae momentanae Inflation und dae Prisae i dae Laedae. Es isch extrem vill tuerer als wo ich Suedafrika verlah han. Aber ja jetzt seotts ja widaer besser werdae.
Ich hoffae dir gfahlts wo jett bisch wuerd mich freuae oeppis vo dir z ghoerae.

1:24 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hoi David and Mathapelo
Great to see all the pictures must have been awesome. Is Mathapelo still there? We are now in Zurich.

Kind regards
Tobias and Shandré

Ps. Let us know when there is a special price running so we can afford visiting you guys. Honeymoon Suite sounds great!!

1:14 am  

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